CQWW SSB 160m 2013
OL4A v části CQWW SSB 160m Contestu 2013 z Lesné.
Tentokrát ve složení OK1DTC, OK1DSX, OK1JKT, OK1HGM, OK1ES. Chystali jsme se už na CW část, ale tu jsme z důvodu nemoci odpískali. Na SSB část jsme dorazili už v pátek, ale na Lesné přes metr sněhu a nulová viditelnost. V noci kosa a silný nárazový vítr se sněhem. Přesto jsme našli přetržený vertikál na 160m a namrzlý stožár nevěstil, že se nám podaří anténu vůbec zprovoznit. Za vydatného sebezapření a risku Jardy OK1DSX a Martina OK1HGM se ale nakonec toto provizorně podařilo. Bohužel už se nepodařilo zprovoznit setup a tak jsme se ohřívali u kamen a vzpomínali u skleničky na staré dobré časy na Lesné. Natáhli jsme jeden beverage a rozdali body jen v noci ze soboty na neděli. Celkově v logu 430 stanic a i několik QSO do USA nebo třeba HK či ZF,ale jinak jsme se poměrně špatně dovolávali. V neděli dopoledne jsme kolektivně vykopávali auta ze závějí a snažili se dostat do nížin, což se nakonec povedlo. Díky všem za zavolání. Za OL4A
Josef OK1ES.
3. v OK – 17. v EU – 29. in world
V roce 2013 – na Březině pořád není kompletně obnovena kabeláž po návštěvě bandity a tak pouze 3 Single Band operace
CQWW CW WPX Contest 2013
Call: OK5R
Operator(s): OK1RI
Station: OK1RF/OK1RI
Class: SO(A)SB15 HP
QTH: Brezina
Band QSOs
15m: 1498
Total: 1498 Prefixes = 837 Total Score = 2,775,492
Bad propagation.
Late start both days, Noon pauses….after finding the propagation: „took easy“.
Hope for better next time.
OK1RI na 15m jako OK5R – 2. v EU
Call: OL4A
Operator(s): OM6NM
Station: OK1RI/OK1RF
Class: SO(A)SB40 HP
QTH: Brezina
Band QSOs
40m: 1548
Total: 1548 Prefixes = 787 Total Score = 3,882,271
I was happy to spend the contest weekend with my friends Jiri, OK1RI (15m as OK5R)and Peter OK1FFU (operated 10m using his personal call). Unfortunately, we missed one week of antenna work to be ready for M2 operation from OL4A, but finally I was pleased to activate our contest call at least on 40m single band operation. The propagation was too bad for great pile-ups from US and JA`s as we know in Brezina QTH from winter time, but It was funny to be „on theair“. Thanks to my friends and all of you I could write down into the log.
Norbert, OM6NM
OM6NM na 40m jako OL4A – 2. v EU
CQWW SSB DX Contest 2013
Call: OL4A
Station: OK1RF/OK1RI
Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Brezina
Summary: Band QSOs Zones Countries ------------------------------ 160: 280 14 60 80: 971 20 91 40: 1605 32 115 20: 1920 39 153 15: 1845 39 144 10: 2387 39 152 ------------------------------ Total: 9008 183 715 Total Score = 18,080,332
The propagation was GREAT.We worked on 3 elements 80m Yagi (almost full size) the weeks before the contest and finally in Monday it went up onto the rotor. I knew there might be a problem with rotor on 10m stack – that it rotates very slowly and stops sometimes but still in July it worked, viz later. Since most of the station worked fine during the IARU contest, I was not nervous about other bands. Well just in about 2000 GMT we found out that the rotor from our 40m 5Y Yagi in 52m is not working. The tree phase motor was completely damaged probably strike during thunderstorm ??? The high Yagi was stuck into „INDIAN ocean“, so…. we climbed the tower during night and „somehow“ managed to rotate the upper Yagi, it went to JA and the low one is to the USA fixed. This damaged our morale, we knew we are not competitive anymore, so we said, OK we will operate, take it easy just to have FUN. The unmovable antenna really damaged our multipliers on 40m – we could hear only big gun stations from SA, we could not copy ZD8O (!!!) etc… Also there was not stack to the USA – only single Yagi in 27m…. Another calamity
came with the rotor on 10m – just after noon in Sunday it got stuck to the north, so we removed the rotor, it was still stuck. Most of the tower (4x6Y all rotate together) rotates, the whole system was made in 1988 and was working fine since. So we „opened“ the gears in 12m – and found there is „lost screw“ in the bearing – it must have been there somewhere harmlessly all the time last 25 years without any problem and finally this Sunday it got inside ? So fix was easy we just lost almost 4 hours of best time on 10m. OK no harm done – we know we can not compete with TM6M in one of the best spots in Europe even having probably 2-3x times as much aluminum in the air. We remembered our last 3 years of operation from C5A – it was really something else compared to middle EU location….. We observed how our friends from D4C are doing in their try for new MM record (I personally did not believed they will do it ) and unfortunately I was right. Anyway congrats to their unconditional win. Also congrats to ES9C for their super result from northern QTH – unpredictable chance ! Hope to hear you all in CW leg – we will try something really silly this year…..73 !
Jiri OK1RI
1. v OK, 3. v EU, 8. in world
CQWW CW DX Contest 2013
Call: OL4A
Station: OK1RF/OK1RI
Class: M/M QRP
QTH: Brezina
Summary: Band QSOs Zones Countries ------------------------------ 160: 464 14 60 80: 878 18 81 40: 1208 39 135 20: 970 38 133 15: 798 39 137 10: 537 35 127 ------------------------------ Total: 4855 183 673 Total Score = 7,875,200
Already while leaving Gambia after our last outing from there, we thought what will be next year. It was obvious we will go „somewhere“ in the future but not next year. In discussions someone just randomly mentioned the M/M QRP operation of „OK2RZ and party“ in 2009, and jokingly we said that would be the complete silliness to try from Brezina next year. None of us is QRP operator, only OK1DO tried once from his home QTH QRP on all bands. I myself made only about 10 QRP QSOs few days before the contest on 15 and 40m. That is all ! Similar all others with only OK1DO and OK8WW had some limited QRP experience. So OK when our 80m Yagi was going up before SSB leg we said, it is going to be really decadent to go QRP with almost full size 3Y yagi on 80m! Our goal was to beat the result of OK2RRR from 2009 – it was in inferior propagation, so we said we should make twice as much i.e over 2.5 mil. We checked the EU winners of single band QRP categories last years and if calculated the best SB results it would give around 4 mil. points – so it was our high goal the more real one was 2,5….
We could hardly imagine how it would be to come through the pileup for each multiplier with 5W only. If someone would tell me we will finish with the zones numbers we have on 40-10m I would proclaim him completely crazy. It was very interesting experience. There were station loud and we called them through the pileup and came through reasonably well, there were stations who just did not hear us. It was interesting that to some stations you got through surprisingly after 20 minus calling. The winner of the „deaf trophy“ by far is VP2MMM – probably local interference similar to our last year as C5A. He did not heard us – OK that is fine but we heard many times more than 20 people were calling and he was unhappily calling CQ all the time. Overall one gets to listenaround the bands this way much more then during HP operation, which was interesting and fun in itself. We are very happy with the unexpected final result, how ever I doubt we will do it again. It was fun but also frustrating calling long minutes multipliers you know would be worked in seconds. Also to go through the contest more-less without any CQ was also sort of peculiar for us. Thank you all for being patient with copying our 5W signals and hope to hear you all next year once more.
73 ! Jiri OK1RI – for the whole group
super bláznivá akce MULTI MULTI QRP !!!!! – Zde o výsledek nešlo – jen o to zkusit co se dá z Březiny takto udělat.
Nakonec 1. místo v OK, 12. místo v EU, a 34. místo na světě v kategorii M/M