HF 2010

CQWW WPX Contest 2010, SSB

Call: OL4A
Operator(s): OK1DO, OK1FFU, OK1RI, OM2TW/OK8WW, OM6NM
Station: OK1RF/OK1RI
Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Brezina
Operating Time (hrs): 48

Band QSOs
160:  161
 80: 1326
 40: 1946
 20: 2360
 15: 1389
 10:  134
Total: 7316 Prefixes = 1615 Total Score = 35,190,850

Third very satisfying M/2 operation from OK1RI/OK1RF station. The party starts to stabilize, OM5AW could not come but OK1DO came so a good number (5) ops were present and we all had a great time ! Everything worked just fine – no Murphy visits ! Just late during the contest we realized how good the propagation really was, how long into the night 20m was open, etc. Amazing was we could work USA on 10m !!! We made only one contact just for the thrill of it, it did not made any sense in M/2 operation to try with more, but we could hear at least 15 Ws, maybe the maximum is on the way ! Congratulation to all the guys who finally broke my 10 years old SO/AB EU record, I was not around (well as SO) this year to try once more. The propagation was of course far away from what we had in the memorable year 2000, but since the prefixes are popping up like crazy, the final scores are improving too. As I believe most of the EU records will fall this year.

Thanks for a QSO and finally as always some data:
    160   80   40   20   15   10   ALL    %
AF    1    7    6   23   38    8    83  1.1
AS    3   29  112  222  426   37   829 11.3
EU  152  997  926  747  280   33  3135 42.7
NA    4  282  853 1251  522    1  2913 39.7
OC        37   96   41    7        181  2.5
SA    2   13   23   34   83    4   204  2.8

Some interesting amounts of QSOs with a country:
BY 64 WOW !!!
VU 20 would you believe there is so many active ?
YB 39
F 67 where were you ?!?!?
JA 321 ONLY ! I believe it is not far away we will work more of the BYs than JAs.
Hope to meat you once more in some next contest.

Jiri OK1RI
1. v OK, 1. EU 5. world