OL4A CW WPX 2017

BřezinaPoslední víkend v květnu jsme se odjeli CW WPX contest z Březiny. V pátek se nás sešlo šest. Jirka OK1RI, Petr OK1FFU, Martin OK1HGM, Karel OK1JKT, Norko OM6MN, a Roman OM4KW. Navzdory problémům s technikou jsme nakonec vyjeli na všech pásmech. Šíření na krátkých vlnách bylo poznamenáno silnou poruchou která ovlivnila mnoho stanic.

Karel OK1JKT

Komentář od Jirky OK1RI na 3830:

Well it was more of a social gathering than serious effort. No 80m Yagi – still
not repaired so with a dipole only, just before the contest 15m PPA died – so
on 15m with only smaller power. We never had a 40m to other bands interference
– this time it was BAD, something got a problem…. also the 20 to 15m
interference was worth than usual. Some serious work is needed.

We were happy that Roman OM4KW could join us for the first time – he was mostly
on 40m and I do believe he was sort of overwhelmed for the first time with us
there – next time it is going to be more fun.

What to say about the Sunday propagation – just exceptional. We were lucky we
even managed to work on 20m about two dozens of NA east coast big guns, like
KC1XX, K3ZO, VY2TT etc who were all just barely audible.

Anyway we had fun – and hope to hear you all once more either from Brezina or
from CN2R.

6x times simple station – one TRX, one op – no inbands !
CW WPX 2017
73 !
Jiri – OK1RI