HF 2009

CQWW DX Contest 2009, CW

Call: OL4A
Station: OK1RF/RI
Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Brezina
Operating Time (hrs): 48

Band QSOs Zones Countries
160:  931    27      94
 80: 1499    35     119
 40: 2604    38     139
 20: 1737    39     140
 15:  831    35     135
 10:   62    13      55
Total: 7664 187 682 Total Score = 13,116,686

Second M/2 operation from OK1RF/OK1RI station. Once more OK/OM party assembled. Same ops as on SSB, only OK1AOZ was replaced by OK1FFU. The internal setup improved considerably over the last month and it was visible improvement on LF. Also we had much less of Murphy visits â?? we only lost one AMP in Sunday afternoon which was immediately replaced â?? no loss at all. The guys are slowly getting used to the setup there and hopefully next operation is going to be again a bit better.
Once more we all had fun, we have not beat up KC1XX in M/M in QSOs as happened in SSB part – this time they beat us by the huge amount of 12 QSOs. Congrats guys ! OK joking. We had once more a lot of reserves. We should have much more multipliers on 40m â?? for sure we had the aluminum in the air for it ! Just checking the internet there was well over 180 DXCCs on the air. Unbelievable ! We need more beverages (only 310 + 45 deg) were up this time, we need some serious antenna for 80m good in all directions â?? we had a decent one into the USA (3el.Delta loop with apex in 42m on 24m long boom), but no other directions ?? only dipole. The ops need to get more acquainted with not too smart switching system of antennas or better it needs to be replaced by a smarter one??. Thanks for a QSO and of course hope to meet you next time as OL4A or OK5R in the next contest.

Some data:
    160   80   40   20   15   10
AF   11   18   17   28   34   11
AS   77   85  419  408  122    3
EU  683  970 1231  726  331   47
NA  160  431  920  539  278    1
OC    3    9   36   34   28    1
SA    8   13   48   29   43    0

Jiri OK1RI

1.v  OK, 1. v  EU, 10. na světě!

CQWW DX Contest 2009, SSB

Call: OL4A
Station: OK1RF/RI
Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Brezina
Operating Time (hrs): 48

Band QSOs Zones Countries
160:  277   14     63
 80: 1237   23     96
 40: 1819   36    130
 20: 2979   39    157
 15: 2075   39    154
 10:  196   26     97
Total: 8583 177 697 Total Score = 14,607,162

Second attempt of multi operation from Brezina. OK/OM party assembled there. As before in CQWPX SSB â?? all the guests operated from the station first time. Nice propagation on high bands â?? poor on low bands. We had several MURPHY visits â?? together we have lost about 1 hour. There were reserves the most important one – due to bad thinking during the preparation which we were unfortunately unable to fix during the contest â?? second station had no access to the receiving antennas on LF, i.e. sorry guys â?? mostly on 40m. All the participants were happy with the event and agreed to come again for the CW leg. I do hope to FIX the biggest problem and some smaller ones too. Most important we all had fun, we put the OK1RF/OK1RI antennas to good use on all bands â?? which was not the case during last years. We did not aspired for EU top spot, we just hoped to move up a bit an old OK M/2 record a â??bitâ?? and have a good time, I do believe we can be satisfied with the result, we even topped a bit in the multipliers the well known experts at OK5W, OM7M and OM8A and we made even a few QSOs more than KC1XX, so I do believe not so bad participation.
Thanks for a QSO and we do hope to work you all in the next contest once more.

Some data:
   160   80   40   20   15   10
AF   4   10   12   49   51   19
AS   6   36  178  390  325   29
EU 249 1006  987 1283  880  126
NA  16  185  624 1125  681    2
OC   0    1   34  105   50    9
SA   2    7   30   52  108   12

Jiri – OK1RI
1. v OK, 3. EU 4. místo na světě

CQWW WPX Contest 2009, SSB

Call: OL4A
Operator(s): OK1DO,OK1RI,OK1VVT
Station: OK1RF/OK1RI
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Brezina
Operating Time (hrs):

Band  QSOs
160:  175
 80:  540
 40: 1237
 20: 1931
 15:  199
 10:    0
Total: 4082 Prefixes = 1325 Total Score = 15,635,000

First MULTI operation from Brezina – OK1RF/OK1RI QTH after 20 years ! Only provisional MULT.setup, without RX antennas on 160m+80m. Both â??otherâ?? operators were first time in their lives in the QTHâ?¦ We have had a lot of reservesâ?¦ Almost permanent rain produced a lot of static, and listening was dutiny periods problematic. Due to lack of propagation on high bands 20m was PACKed !We are told that 7.000 â?? 7.200 is an EXCLUSIVE AMATEUR band. I just wonder if the broadcasters will go away? For the time being it does not look like the case ! Congratulation to E7DX for huge score. I was happy we could surprisingly compete with OM8A/OM7M.
Hope to meet you in the next contest ! Thanks for a QSO.
Jiri OK1RI
1. v OK, 2. v EU, 4. na světě !