HF 2012

CQWW CW 160m contest 2012

Poslední víkend v lednu jsme jeli už tradičně telegrafní závod CQWW na 160m pásmu pod značkou OK1KIM . Jako obvykle v sestavě Jarda OK1DSX , Tonda OK1DTC , Martin OK1HGM a já OK1JKT . Během závodu se ještě ukázal Ivo OK1FRI, Josef OK1ES a navštívil nás Dan OK1DIG, který vyrazil na Medvědí skálu rozdat body do SOTA . Jako obvykle v tuto dobu bylo na Lesné pořádně nasněženo a v noci bylo venku –19stupňů.
Na konci závodu máme 1130 QSO, což dalo cca 520 tisíc bodů a pracovali jsme se 63 zeměmi DXCC . Bylo znát, že se Jirka OK1RI s Tondou OK1DTC poprali s vysílací anténou a povedlo se jim vyladit 50m stožár. V logu se tudíž objevilo 85QSO do USA+Kanady a zavolal nás například i VK6LW nebo OA4TT a CO6LP. Poslouchali jsme na 2 beverage a na pásmu bylo dost velké QRM. Měnili jsme i několikrát kmitočet, protože nás vždy vytlačily v obrovské síle jižanské stanice. Přesto je spokojenost, protože je to jeden z našich lepších výsledků v tomto závodě za poslední léta, co se ho z hor účastníme co do počtu QSO a USA stanic. Trošku jsme na tom byli hůře co do počtu zemí DXCC oproti minulým rokům. Chyběly např. tradiční QSO do EA6, EA8, CT3, TK a dalších 160m EU lokalit. V neděli foukal silný vítr a totálně zavál silnici, takže jsme museli zůstat do druhého dne . V pondělí ráno jsme zabalili kabely a pár dalších věcí . Po projetí sněhové frézy troubíme k ústupu a vyrážíme zpět domů . Díky všem, co nás zavolali (z česka to bylo 80 OK/OL stanic, což je kupodivu tentokrát o něco míň než stanic z USA). Foto z akce dole ve fotogalerii.

Karel OK1JKT

CQWW SSB WPX Contest 2012

Call: OL4A
Operator(s): OK1DO, OK1FFU, OK1RI, OK8WW, OM6NM
Station: OK1RF/OK1RI
Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Brezina

Band QSOs
160:   66
 80:  858
 40: 1980
 20: 1445
 15: 2019
 10:  462
Total: 6830 Prefixes = 1619 Total Score = 31,201,368

Another gathering in Brezina. At first we are most happy that our friend OK1DO could join us in good spirit after his heart problems. This time the Middle Europe was for sure not the place to be in. The propagation toward the USA was once more BAD. Specifically on 20m. We just could not generate any decent pileup. Sunday was a bit better than Saturday. There was some pileup on 15m and something going on on 40 to the east. I was listening on 20 around 18 UTC the time one would expect to have the best propagation – but heard only the big guns above noise. I was listening with other big guns in our area (9A1A (600 km to the south + DR1A 700 km north-west), both were calling CQ happily without much action. I was on 9A1A frequency over 4 minutes and they made 0 QSOs (!!) during that time. DR1A was
more successful he made in 5 minutes 2 QSOs but with EU only. Each km to the south/west counted during this weekend significantly. Already IR4X about 600 km to the south-west worked some USA and I could hear less than 1/3 of the stations. Of course not to mention stations in G, F or EA – it is already different world. It is like beeing in Wisconsin x NJ. The score is 5 mil less compared to last year. I believe this is a place to say BIG thanks to VE3EN for his wonderful solarham.com and actually this time the propagation was in very good accordance to the numbers and maps. The UGLY green Auroral oval on „ovation“ + „Aurora“ being in the range 7-8 was un-penetrable, A-index was 10, so what could be expected. Of course operation from C5A would have been a different „cup of coffee“ and we are already looking forward to CQWW 2012. Anyway we all had fun and most probably hope to meet you again in WPXCW. Congratulation to the EI7M team from the far west of Europe and as I believe to IR4X too. Thanks for the QSOs
73 ! Jiri OK1RI
Velmi špatné podmínky – 2.místo v EU za EI100T a 7 na světě.

CQWW CW WPX Contest 2012

Call: OL4A
Operator(s): OK1DO, OK1FFU, OK1RI, OK8WW/OM2TW, OM5AW, OM6NM
Station: OK1RF/OK1RI
Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Brezina

Band QSOs
160:   21
 80:  412
 40: 1107
 20: 1774
 15: 2476
 10:  544
Total: 6334 Prefixes = 1534 Total Score = 23,796,942

Nice contest with SUPER propagation on 15m, nothing spectacular on Low Bands – actually the whole crowd was thrilled with 15m and omitted 40 +80m. We almost forget for 160m – there was simply no time to spare there. We just made there one short visit Sunday evening. This contest was peculiar for us since the operators were coming and leaving so to sum it up I was the only one present all the time. Another peculiarity hard to remember was that NOTHING broke – no Murphy at all. The only problem we had was loose connection in one CINCH – that is all. We all had good time, and most of the discussions going on among the not operating operators was already concerned about planned autumn C5A operations. Thanks for QSO and hope to hear you again in the NEXT ONE.
73 ! Jiri – OK1RI
Velmi dobré podmínky na 15m a nakonec 1. v EU a 3. na světě